Hanging (art)

sentieri ready

Will I let you into a secret…

I am absolutely freaking out over the show at the Club. It’s not that anything has gone REALLY wrong, it’s just ME! I have spent nights dreaming (is nightmaring a verb?) several scenarios: of a fire at the framer's and receiving the call to say that everything was destroyed; hanging the show and finding there was not enough work; Arthur, who is opening the show, not turning up; the Club going on fire or being flooded; and least likely, of Leo not having the frame in stock; .and finally, the work looking CRAP when it was finally hung!

Leo, my fantastic framer, delivered the work last Friday. And I immediately started to place the work out to see how it would look for the show. As I placed the work in sequence I noticed that a number of them looked a bit odd. I had printed them crooked on the paper! Leo had framed them straight, but, the images were ALL WRONG!!!!! I had to sheepishly bring a new set of the prints on Saturday morning for him to reframe. I was mortified; he was so gallant. He said that when he got to the third (crooked) one he thought that I had meant them to be that way…

Well here goes.