RHA Annual 2018

Well, it’s been a nerve-wracking few weeks. After submitting three prints – one landscape and two women’s heads – I had been trying to keep myself busy in order to not think about the RHA Annual Show. I've made a drawing or two, cleaned the studio, did a clearance of scrap paper/newspapers, avoided FaceBook posts or talking to anyone about the show... in case that put the mockers on it.

In fact by today, as I slowly walked to collect that small white envelope with the window revealing my address in MY handwriting, I felt almost sick. It is always the same, before opening it, I say to myself that it doesn’t matter if nothing is selected, better luck next time! But as I open the letter to see, third piece unselected…second piece possible… and then finally first piece… S E L E C T E D! Read it again Marie! Have you misread the notice?

HALLELUJAH!!! I am floating on air…..until the next Open Submission Exhibition!

Update: I did the Walk Of Shame yesterday. So nice to meet other artists I admire and whose work I love, also collecting rejects!