
Poor painting!

Last week I spent 3 days in London with LSH (long suffering husband). I was there to collect my work from the Masters Show at the Bankside Gallery. While there I saw a few great exhibitions at the V&A and the Royal Academy. The RA's big blockbuster Abstract Expressionism is superb, but at the top of the house there is a fantastic show called Intrigue: James Ensor by Luc Tuymans.



What a week!

Well really, what few weeks! Which have been anything but dull. Normally, this is a time of slowing down and settling back to the rhythm of printmaking, as the days grow shorter. But the last few weeks have been like being caught up in a storm!


2017 calendars are available now.

It's coming to that time of year again when we start to think [have it force-fed to us - Ed.] of the big event at the end of December. The ads on the telly have so many baubles and trees in them now and jingling bells over the soundtrack that you would swear the weather outside was frightful...


Jet setter or bonkers….?

Two weeks ago we made an extremely quick visit to Paris to collect my work from the exhibition at Page 35. We took the ferry to Roscoff and found the town absolutely charming. We were sorry we had to leave after a short whizz around and have promised ourselves a longer stay in the future.
So we hit the road to Paris


Anything But Print

Well we’re back in Dublin after almost three months spent in Radicondoli.


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